Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Baroque and Rococo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Baroque and Rococo - Essay Example Rococo style of art emerged in France in the early 18th century as a continuation of the Baroque style. In contrast to the heavier themes and darker colors of the Baroque, the Rococo style was characterized by an opulence, grace, playfulness, and lightness. Rococo motifs focused on the carefree aristocratic life and on lighthearted romance rather than heroic battles or religious figures; they also revolve heavily around nature and exterior settings. Baroque derived from the Italian word barocco, which was a term used by philosophers during the middle Ages to describe an obstacle in schematic logic. Another possible source is the Portuguese word barroco (Spanish barrueco), used to describe an irregular or imperfectly shaped pearl, and this usage still survives in the jeweler's term baroque pearl. Rococo was an art style of 18th-century painting and decorations characterized by lightness, delicacy, and elaborate ornamentation. The Rococo period corresponded roughly to the reign (1715-1 774) of Louis XV of France. The term rococo comes from the French rocaille, "rock-work". Baroque in the 16th century up to the 18th century was considered to be loosely applied to European art. Based on Hauser, the painting of the Baroque period is so varied that no single set of stylistic criteria can be applied to it. The reason for this is that because currents of classicism and naturalism co existed with. According in the History of Art by Hauser, the catholic churches use this kind of art in order to invite the churchgoers. to enter their church. The churches that evolved from this program were both sensuous and spiritual, while the naturalistic rendered the religious image more comprehensible to the average churchgoer, dramatic and illusory effects were used to stimulate piety and devotion. According to Hauser the Baroque vision of the world is dynamic and dramatic. Hauser described the figures with utmost vividness and richness by using rich colours, dramatic effects of light and shade, and lavish use of highlights. Based on the Story of Art in 1950, Gombrich distinguished between representational art based on seeing and that on based on understanding. The story of the Art, is a story of a continuous weaving and changing of tradition in which each work refers to the past and points to the future. The baroque style according to Gombrich in the Story of the Art, should emphasized on unity among the arts. Gombrich description on baroque art is that the viewer tends to engage the viewer, both physically and emotionally. In painting and sculpture this was achieved by means of highly developed naturalistic illusionism, usually heightened by dramatic lighting effects, creating an unequaled sense of theatricality, energy, and movement of forms. Architecture, departing from the classical canon revived during the Renaissance, took on the fluid, plastic aspects of sculpture. Hauser and Gombrich on Rococo The Rococo style of art emerged in France in the early 18th century as a continuation of the Baroque style, but in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wl-Mrt Expnsion to Chinese mrket Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Wl-Mrt Expnsion to Chinese mrket - Assignment Example The choice of the mrket entry will depend on mny fctors such s politicl, economic, technologicl, nd socio-culturl. With this in mind, the reserch discusses ech of those fctors while conducting PEST nlysis. Expnsion to Chin is gret opportunity for Wl-Mrt to gin profits nd dditionl mrket shre on the world mrket of retil. Opertion in Chin brings $1 billion in sles nnully. It is through Wl-Mrt Chin's 46 stores tht result in 450,000 trnsctions dy tht such high profit is possible (Hoopes, 2006). Expnsion into Chin is n opportunity tht Wl-Mrt cn not fford to miss. Chinese mrket is one of the biggest in the world nd the need to expnd beyond its 46 stores is logicl strtegic step the Wl-Mrt should undertke. Strong competition with Crrefour, the biggest retil in Frnce nd second biggest retil store in the world, is thret for the compny to stop being the first on the mrket. The need to expnd to Chin is wy to sty the leder in the world mrket s it hs been for long time of the retil store history. Wl-Mrt is excited bout Chin becuse it considers the size of the economy of this country, t the consistent growth over 20 yers, nd t the increse in individul nd fmily income nd spending power. s Beth Keck, Wl-Mrt director of interntionl corporte ffirs, sid in n interview. "In the lst 10 yers, you've seen the development of [forml] retil. So it's gret opportunity" (Nelson, 2006). By contrst to the second lrgest supermrket in the world, Crrefour, Wl-Mrt is Chin's 19th-lrgest retiler. Wl-Mrt Chin's SuperCenters lg their U.S. counterprts in revenues, generting on verge $35 million nnully, compred with $80 million to $120 million in the U.S. So there re lot of opportunities to expnd to Chinese mrket, more of which will be discussed lter in this pper long with mrketing nlysis of the compny (Hoopes, 2006). II. SWOT nlysis This nlysis is wy of looking t the Wl-Mrt s business, where the strengths nd weknesses of the orgnistion cn be contrsted with the threts nd opportunities of the outside business environment. The identifiction of the mjority of the SWOT fctors re intended to be derived through the erlier use of PEST nlysis s prt of the overll situtionl nlysis process. Tble1 SWOT nlysis Internl Strengths Weknesses Good loction of stores Trined stuff to operte the stores Estimted rise of revenues Chep lbor costs on Chinese mrket Good service nd employee pckge Very low number of trnsctions on the comprtively lrge territory Shky infrstructure in mny plces Development of rods, wter nd sewge brely keeps up in cities exploding with growth. Externl Opportunities Threts Further expnsion into Chinese mrket Possibilities of high benefits from Chinese mrket Mintining the growth on Chinese mrket Intensive competition from Frnce's Crrefour Competition from locl supermrkets Gtrengths Good loction of stores Wal-Mart China has a very good location t 12 Fenghung Rod which is in the hert of Shenzhen, Chin. Here people come just for a walk, a meeting at the corner restaurant or to see a movie in the cinema located not far. In this neighborhood of high-rise prtments, most customers rrive on foot or by bicycle. bout 12,000 shoppers visit this SuperCenter ech dy,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine attitudes towards inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and self-efficacy beliefs of preservice teachers. Background factors will be explored in relation to both attitudes towards inclusion and self efficacy beliefs. ASDs are becoming the fastest growing developmental disabilities with 1 out of every 150 births being diagnosed as having one of these disorders. ASDs are typically defined as developmental disorders and can range in symptoms from mild to severe. They are identified by abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication combined with a restricted repertoire of activities and interests. As a result, more children with ASDs are in need of educational services. Preservice teachers will be surveyed for their level of efficacy as well as attitudes towards inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders. Preservice Teachers Efficacy: A Correlate of Attitudes towards Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Chapter 1: Introduction This study will focus on self-efficacy beliefs preservice teachers’ and their attitudes towards inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Historically, inclusion studies have broadly focused on students with general disabilities without differentiation of the 13 disability categories as listed in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA). It is necessary to briefly address special education law in order to understand how students with exceptionalities are placed and serviced within the education system (either in special education, general education, or a combination of classes). IDEA is the federal legislation that regulates the education of students with disabilities (Woolfolk, 2010). It was originally enacted by Congress in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities had the same opportunity as students without disabilities (Woolfolk, 2010). The law has seen many revisions throughout the years. The most recent amendments to IDEA were passed by Congress in December 2004. The final regulations were published in August 2006 and termed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA 2004) (Public Law No. 108-446). IDEIA 2004 guides how states and school districts identify and provide special education and related services to children with disabilities ( IDEIA 2004 specifically addresses where students with disabilities should be educated and also requires schools to provide a free and appropriate education (FAPE) for all students (Woolfolk, 2010). Although the law does not specifically use the terminology inclusion, it does use the term least restrictive environment (LRE) when speaking of placement for students with disabilities (Inzano, 1999). The law regarding placing students within the LRE has generated many questions as to exactly what constitutes an LRE. According to the law, in an LRE, the student is to be placed with non-disabled peers as much as appropriate throughout the school day (IDEIA, 2004). In addition, the student can only be separated from nondisabled peers if the nature or severity of their disability impedes upon their education (IDEIA, 2004; Based upon this law, there appears to be a push to teach children with disabilities within the regular education classrooms (Villa, Thousand, Nevin, Liston, 2005 Liston, 2005). As a result of this, there will be a paradigm shift moving away from segregation to integration where students with and without disabilities will be taught together (Giddens, 2001). Inclusive education is identified by the integration of all students, including those with disabilities, into the general education classroom (Avramidis Norwich 2002; Woolfolk, 2010). Inclusion is often confused with the notion of mainstreaming. Schnorr (1990) indicated that mainstreaming and inclusion each deal with students with disabilities in the regular classrooms, the responsibilities of the general education teacher is different for both. In mainstreaming, the regular class teacher is responsible for some of the instruction of the student with exceptionalities while the special education teacher is primarily responsible for the student’s instruction (Lipsky Gartner, 1989). This is quite different than inclusion. Through inclusion, the regular class teacher is responsible for nearly all of the instruction of the student with special needs. The special education teacher serves as a support to the regular education teacher (Salisbury et al., 1995). For the purposes of this study, inclusion will be defined as full term placement in mainstream general education classes with appropriate special education support services. By studying disability categories under a broad umbrella, it is difficult to differentiate attitudes towards inclusion of specific disability categories. Inclusion of students based on specific disability categories is limited and has not been fully analyzed in current research studies. Research has largely focused on teacher attitudes towards inclusion of students with learning disabilities (Avramidis, Bayliss, et al 2000; Bender, Vail, et al, 1995; Bradshaw Mundia 2006; Buell, Hallam, et al 1999; Burke Sutherland 2004; Campbell, Gilmore et al 2003; Clough Lindsay 1991; Elhoweris Alsheikh 2006; Hammond Ingalls 2003; Jobe, Rust, et al. 1996; Kadell Wiebe 2001; Kalyva, Gojkovic, et al 2007; Kwapy 2004; Reasons 2005; Romer 2004; Ross-Hill 2007; Sebesta 2002; Shade Stewart 2001; Walpole 2006). There have been some studies focusing on emotional and behavioral difficulties within the general education classrooms (Avramidis, Bayliss, Burden 2000; Clough Lindsay 1991; Hastings Oakford 2003; Soodak et al. 1998; Stoiber et al. 1998); cognitive impairments (Center Ward 1987; Thomas 1985), and mild physical disabilities (Center Ward 1987; Forlin 1995). The remaining special education categories have not been the focus of much research (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Blind or Low Vision; Deaf or Hard of hearing; Deaf-Blind; Developmentally Delayed; Language or Speech impairment; Multiple Disabilities; Other health impairment; Orthopedic impairment; and Traumatic brain injury). This study will investigate the attitudes of pre-service teachers toward inclusion of students with ASDs. ASDs fall within the Pervasive Developmental Disorders based upon the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fourth Edition (DSM-IV, p. 14; 2005). The terms ASDs and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) are often used synonymously (Pieranagelo Giuliani, 2007). Pervasive Developmental Disorder is a general term that refers to a spectrum of disorders that differ with respect to the number and type of symptoms or age of onset (DSM-IV, pg. 69). Pervasive Developmental Disorders include Autistic Disorder, Rett’s Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (DSM-IV, p. 14; 2005). ASDs are typically defined as developmental disorders in which behavior characteristics range in syndrome expression and the symptoms change as the child develops on a continuum from mild to severe (Volkmar, Paul, Klin, Cohen, 2005). â€Å"They are typically characterized by severe and perva sive impairment in several areas of development that include reciprocal and social interaction skills, communication skills, or the presence of stereotyped behavior, interests, and activities†(DSM-IV, pg 69; 2005). Four million children are born in the United States every year and of these four million children; 560,000 individuals between the ages of 0-21 have an ASD ( Based on prevalence statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2007, one out of every 150 children in the United States has autism ( Due to the increase in diagnosis of ASDs, more children are in need of specialized education programs. In 2006, the CDC reported 484,299 individuals between the ages 3 through 21 received services under the ‘autism’ classification for special education services ( Additional data from the CDC reported the state of Indiana serviced 159,679 students under IDEA in 2006 between the ages of 6 and 21. Of these students, 7,391 were identified as having an ASD ( Illinois reported serving 289,611 students under IDEA in 2006 between the ages of 6 and 21. Of these students, 9,398 students were identified as having an ASD ( Michigan reported serving 217,673 under IDEA in 2006 between the ages of 6 and 21. Of these students, 9,723 were identified as having an ASD ( The needs of students with ASDs vary and should be identified and addressed within their educational programming. As stated earlier, ASDs are a group of developmental disabilities that are defined by significant impairments in social interaction, communication, and unusual behaviors (DSM-IV, pg. 69). This is of particular concern when looking at the best learning environment for students with ASDs. Researchers and educators agree that children with ASDs benefit from early intervention services (National Research Council, 2001; Rapin, 1997; Rogers, 1996; Strain, Wolery Izeman, 1998). It has been found to be beneficial to place students with ASDs in the general education classroom so they have early interventions as well as appropriate role models of social skills (Klinger Dawson, 2005). At the same time, this presents a problem because students with ASDs are often not accepted into the general education class. Rejection increases with the students’ age and severity of their symptoms which increases their tendency to become socially isolated (Burack, Root, Zigler, 1997 as cited in Volkmar, Paul, Klin, Cohen, 2005). Parents, teachers, and students need to work together to determine which educational services are needed and specifically, to afford them with the greatest possibilities for future transitions (Bock Myles, 1999; Crowley, 2000; Bowe, 2005 as cited in Volkmar, Paul, Klin, Cohen, 2005). Educational placement options for students with ASDs need to be a place where they receive the most benefit as well as keeping in accordance with the law requiring LRE. The increase of students with special needs within general education classrooms has spurred changes in attitudes of teachers, parents, and students regarding the appropriate placement for students with disabilities to receive an education. Research has shown that teacher attitudes towards inclusion have a significant impact upon whether or not inclusion is a success or failure within the classroom (Avramidis Norwich 2002; Bacon Schultz 1991; Barton, 1992; Barton Wiczenski 1993; Bishop, 1986; Carroll, Forlin, Jobling 2003; Chow Winzer, 1992; Coates, 1989; Cook, 2001; Cook, Semmel, Gerber 1999; Good Brophy 1997; Hannah Pliner, 1983; Hayes Gunn, 1988; Idol, Nevin Paolucci-Whitcomb 1994; Roa Lim, 1999; Salend 2001; Schumm et al. 1994; Semmel, Abernathy, Butera, Lesar, 1991; Shade Stewart, 2000; Wiczenski, 1993; Van Reusen, Shoho, Barker 2001; William Algozine, 1977; Wood, 1989). Attitude research pertaining to inclusion of students with disabilities has provided widely var ied results (Bennett et al, 1997; Garriott, Miller, Snyder, 2003; Leyser Tappendorf, 2001; Rea et al. 2002; Shier, 2002). Professional groups vary considerably in their perceptions of which children are most likely to be successful with the inclusion process (Bochner Pieterse 1989). There are educators who support the inclusion of students with disabilities and indicate it has positive benefits for students (Avramidis et al, 2000; Chalmers, 1991; Frederickson, Dunsmuir, Lang Monsen 2004; Leyser Tappendorf 2001; Rodgers, 1987; Rojewski Pollard, 1993; Ward et al, 1994; Villa et al, 1996; York, Vandercook, MacDonald, Heise-Neff Caughey, 1992). If teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion are positive, then the experience of their students will also be positive (Anderson, Chitwood, Hayden 1997; Alexander Strain, 1978). Conversely, many educators are not as accepting of inclusion and hold negative attitudes towards inclusion (Alghazo, Dodeen, Algaryouti, 2003; Berryman, 1989; Bradshaw, 2004; Buell, Hallam, Gamel-McCormick, 1999; Center Ward, 1987; Coates, 1989; D’Alonzo, Giordano Cross, 1996; D’Alonzo Ledon 1992; Dixon, 1999; Forlin, Douglas, Hattie, 1996; Gersten, Walker Darch, 1988; Hammond Ingalls 2003; Hayes Gunn, 1988; Horne Ricciardo, 1988; Jamieson, 1984; Jobe, Rust, Brissie, 1996; Larrivee Cook, 1979; Leyser Tappendorf, 2001; Luseno, 2000; Minke et al, 1996; Murphy, 1996; Reiter et al, 1998; Schumm Vaughn 1991; Semmel et al, 1991; Thomas, 1985; Vaughn, Schumm, Jallad, Slusher Saumell, 1996). If the teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion are negative, then the experience of their students will be unsuccessful (Anderson, Chitwood, Hayden 1997; Alexander Strain, 1978). Forlin et al (1999) indicated that teachers’ attitudes towards individuals with disabilities suggest that negative attitudes lead to lower expectations of that student. Research has also shown teachers attitudes toward inclusion were strongly influenced by the nature of the student’s disabilities (Avramidis, Bayliss, Burden, 2000; Bradshaw and Mundia 2006; Center Ward, 1987; Dean, Elrod Blackbourn, 1999; Jobe, Rust Brissie, 1996; Mak, 2003; Scruggs Mastropieri, 1996; Soodak, Podell, Lehman, 1998). Several studies have shown that specific disability areas negatively affected teacher attitudes towards inclusion. Thomas (1985) studied teachers in England and found they opposed integration of students with intellectual difficulties. This opposition has been replicated in several subsequent studies (Avramidis, Bayliss, Burden, 2000; Center Ward, 1987; Clough and Lindsay, 1991; Forlin, 1995; Hayes Gunn, 1988; Kwapy, 2004; Soodak et al., 1998; Stoiber et al., 1998). Research also shows that teachers had difficulty with children who had emotional and behavioral difficulties (Avramidis et al, 2000; Bowman, 1986; Clough Lindsay, 1991; Forlin, 1995; Hastings Oakford, 2003; Hayes Gunn, 1988; Heflin Bullock, 1999; Kwapy, 2004; Soodak et al., 1998; Stoiber et al, 1998). Center and Ward (1987) found that teachers within their research study were reluctant to include students with more severe physical disabilities or students with intellectual disabilities; however, they were willing to accept the inclusion of students with mild physical disabilities. As a result of the mixed results of research on inclusion, it is important to identify attitudes towards inclusion of students, specifically with ASDs, within the general education classroom. To date, there has been a lack of research on ASDs and teacher attitudes towards inclusion. With the movement within the educational system to integrate all students with disabilities into regular education classrooms, it is going to be important to evaluate teacher attitudes toward inclusion of students with ASDs as the prevalence rate for this specific disability is on the rise. Multiple factors have been found to affect teachers’ attitudes (Salend Duhaney, 1999). These factors primarily relate to the child, teacher, and school. Several factors seem to consistently arise in research regarding attitudes towards inclusion of students with disabilities and include teacher efficacy, the type of disability, and the individual’s teacher preparation program. These areas will be the focus of this research study. Teacher efficacy has been a focus in many research studies (Allinder, 1994; Allinder, 1995; Ashton, 1984; Ashton Webb, 1986; Brownell Pajares, 1999; Gibson Dembo, 1984; Pajares, 1992; Soodak, Podell Lehman, 1998). Teacher efficacy is a teacher’s individual beliefs in their capabilities to reach all of their students, regardless of disability and teach all types of students (Armor et al., 1976; Ashton, 1984; Ashton Webb; 1986; Berman McLaughlin, 1977; Coladarci Breton, 1997; Gibson Dembo, 1984; Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk-Hoy, Hoy, 1998; Woolfolk, 2010). Many studies have noted that a teacher’s sense of efficacy can have a direct positive affect on student achievement (Anderson, Greene, Loewen, 1988; Ashton, 1984; Midgley, Feldlaufer, Eccles, 1989; Woolfolk, 2010) and is a principal factor impacting classroom effectiveness (Allinder, 1993; Ashton Webb, 1986; Brownell Pajares, 1999; Gibson Dembo, 1984; Pajares, 1992). There has been limited research as to the effect teacher efficacy has upon the students with ASDs. Research on general disability areas has shown that as a teacher’s personal efficacy increases, they become less anxious about including students with disabilities into their classrooms (Allinder, 1994; Soodak, Podell Lehman, 1998). Other research studies have found that teachers often lack confidence in their instructional skills when dealing with a student with a disability (Buell, Hallam, Gamel-McCormick, 1999; Center Ward 1987) thus decreasing their self efficacy. By identifying links between teacher efficacy and teacher attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs; more information can be provided to teachers to help them feel confident as well as successful in teaching students with ASDs within their classrooms. Another factor affecting teacher attitudes towards inclusion stems from their teacher preparation programs. Much of the current research on inclusion of students with disabilities has shown that general educators often feel confused when asked to make accommodations for students with disabilities within their classes (Lombard et al., 1998). Educators have indicated that they feel unprepared to implement inclusion as a result of a lack of preparation in education programs (Avramidis, Bayliss Burden, 2000; Bender Ukeje, 1989; Bender, Vail, Scott 1995; Betancourt-Smith 1994; Bruneau-Balderrama, 1997; Buell et al, 1999; Center Ward, 1987; Creal, 2000; Edelen-Smith, Prater, Sileo 1993; Evans, Townsend, Duchnowski, Hocutt, 1996; Ferguson, 1995; Forlin et al. 1999; Garfinkle Schwartz, 2002; Glass 1996; Grbich Sykes, 1992; Hammond Ingalls, 2003; Hastings, Hewes, Lock Witting, 1996; Johnston, Proctor, Corey 1994; King-Sears Cummings, 1996; Kwapy, 2004; Lanier Lanier 1996; Mastrop ieri Scruggs, 2000; Minke, Bear, Deemer Griffin, 1996; Nevin, Cohen, Salazar Marshall, 2007; Olson, 2003; O’Shea O’Shea, 1997; Pugach Seidl, 1995; Reber, Marshak, Glor-Scheib, 1995; Reed Monda-Amaya, 1995; Reitz Kerr, 1991; Salend, 2001; Schumm et al. 1994; Schumm Vaughn, 1992; Schuum Vaughn, 1995; Scruggs Mastropieri, 1996; Shanker, 1994; Sindelar, 1995; Singh, 2001; Slusher Saumell 1996; Snyder, 1990; Soodak, Podell Lehman, 1998; Swoboda, 2000; Tait Purdie 2000; Taylor, Richards, Goldstein, Schilit 1997; Vaughn, Schumm, Jallad, Wang, Reynolds, Walberg, 1994; Vaughn, Schumm, Jallad, Slusher, Saumell, 1996; Wang, Reynolds Walberg, 1994; Wanzenried, 1998). Currently, many educators remain insufficiently informed about the practice and theory of inclusion as well as the effect it has on all students within the classroom. Part of teacher preparation programs includes instilling a sense of knowledge and experience of working with students with disabilities. Those with experience working with students with disabilities tend to have more positive attitudes toward inclusion (Beh-Pajooh, 1991; Forlin, Fogarty Carroll, 1999; Gallagher 1985; Gregory, 1997; Hastings et al., 1996; Hastings Graham, 1995; LeRoy Simpson 1996; Pernell, McIntyre, Bader 1985; Sack 1998; Rees, Spreen Harnadek, 1991; Shoho, Katims, Wilks 1997). If teachers feel as though they are unprepared to accommodate students with disabilities; there needs to be a change in teacher preparation programs to ensure that all teachers feel confident and prepared to teach students with exceptionalities. By changing teacher education programs and adding more required coursework regarding students with exceptionalities, teachers should be better equipped to make accommodations and interventions for exceptional students. It is important to account for preservice teachers’ attitudes and beliefs in order to rectify any ill conceived notions about inclusion of children with ASDs. By identifying attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs, the inclusion process can be improved. By identifying factors that lead to negative attitudes towards inclusion and dispelling any myths associated with inclusion of students with ASDs, these students may be better served within the general education classroom. In addition, the attitudes towards inclusion may pinpoint weaknesses within teacher preparation programs. By identifying weaknesses, teacher education programs may be able to change or revise classes and curriculum to better meet the needs of future educators. Due to the increase in students identified with ASDs, laws mandating students be taught in the LRE, more general education teachers will have to make accommodations for students with ASDs within their classrooms. By identifying teacher attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs, teacher curriculum can be changed and in-services can be added to programming to improve teacher attitudes towards inclusion. Statement of the Problem This study will focus on self-efficacy of preservice teachers and their attitudes towards inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Current research shows a range of attitudes towards inclusion of students with disabilities. There is a lack of research regarding teacher attitudes towards the various disability categories; specifically ASDs. Inclusion of students based on specific disability categories, ASDs, has been limited. With the increase in diagnosis of children with ASDs; there will likely be an increase in the placement of students with ASDs into general education classrooms. As a result, general education teachers will likely be responsible for teaching students with ASDs within their classrooms. By identifying attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs, the inclusion process can be improved. By identifying factors that lead to negative attitudes towards inclusion, such as teacher efficacy beliefs, and dispelling any myths associated with inclusion of students with ASDs, these students may be better served within the general education classroom. In addition, the attitudes towards inclusion may pinpoint weaknesses within teacher training programs. By identifying weaknesses, teacher education programs may be able to use this information to implement changes or revisions to classes and curriculum to better meet the needs of future educators. Purpose of the Study The primary purpose of this study is to investigate preservice teachers’ sense of efficacy and their attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs. Relationships between teacher attitudes towards inclusion, teacher efficacy, the type of student disability, teacher preparation programs, and demographic information will be explored. This study aims to identify preservice teacher attitudes toward inclusion of students with ASDs and their level of teacher efficacy. Additionally, it will explore factors that influence attitudes of preservice teachers toward inclusion of students with ASDs. By understanding the factors that influence preservice teacher attitudes, teacher preparation programs can better prepare teachers for students with exceptionalities, particularly ASDs within the classrooms. Research Questions What are preservice teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs within the general education classroom? Secondary Questions: What is the relationship between teacher efficacy and teacher attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs? What factors are related to preservice teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs? What is the relationship between the amount of college preparation courses and teacher attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs? Is there a relationship between having a special education background and attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs? Is there a relationship between having a special education background and teacher efficacy? Rationale Inclusive education integrates all students, regardless of disability, into the general education classroom. Integration of students with disabilities requires teachers to make accommodations and modifications for students in order for them to be successful within the general education classroom. The teacher’s level of efficacy has been found to affect their willingness to make modifications and accommodations for students with disabilities and thus affect their attitudes toward inclusion. This study will investigate preservice teachers’ sense of efficacy and its correlation with attitudes towards inclusion of students with ASDs. Current studies focus on the integration of students with disabilities without differentiating specific disability categories. This study will allow for differentiation of ASDs from the remaining disability categories. Findings from this study will be beneficial for teacher preparation programs. Bandura (1986, 1994, 1997) suggested that predications about behavior outcomes affect the individual’s goals, effort, and motivation to complete a task. Predications of behavior are highly influenced by a person’s self-efficacy (Woolfolk, 2010). Self-efficacy has been defined as the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the course of action required to manage prospective situations (Bandura, 1995). As a result, people are more likely to engage in behaviors that they believe they are capable of completing successfully. If a person believes they are able to complete an activity with success, they have high self-efficacy; conversely, if they do not feel they are able to complete certain behaviors successfully, they have low self-efficacy. Individuals tend to seek behaviors that they have success with and will put more effort and persistence to activities that they consider to be successful. Self-efficacy is also influenced by a person’s previou s successes or failures with an activity, feedback from others regarding their performance, and success or failure of other people around them (Woolfolk, 2010). For inclusion to be successful, teachers will need to observe a successful implementation of inclusion. In addition, they will have to feel confident in their own abilities to implement inclusion. This confidence will likely come from their teacher education training as well as role models indicating a successful implementation of inclusion. If a teacher does not believe he or she is able to implement inclusion within their classroom, the inclusion process is likely to fail. This has implications for the students within their classrooms. Students without disabilities are likely to model the teacher’s negative attitude towards inclusion and imitate behavior; at the same time, if the teacher has a positive attitude toward inclusion, the children would imitate that behavior. The self-efficacy of the teacher and their resulting actions has a large impact for the successful inclusion of students with ASDs within the general education class. Conceptual Framework This study is rooted in the theories of Albert Bandura, a cognitive theorist. His theories on social learning, social cognition, and self-efficacy have an influence this study. Bandura’s social cognitive theory and his construct of self efficacy (Bandura 1977) help explain how teacher’s attitudes towards inclusion would potentially have an effect upon the students within their classrooms. Bandura’s (1977) theory of self-efficacy is closely tied with teacher sense of efficacy. Teacher sense of efficacy is the belief that a teacher can reach all of his or her students, regardless of disability and teach all types of students (Woolfolk, 2010). Teacher sense of efficacy has a major impact upon the students within a teacher’s classroom. A high sense of teacher efficacy would indicate a teacher believes that he or she is capable to teach their students. Teachers with a high sense of teacher efficacy believe they can teach all of their students, regardless of disability (Woolfolk, 2010). Significance of the Study Due to revisions of federal regulations regarding placement of special education students within the LRE, children with disabilities are spending a majority of their day in the general education classroom. This study is an investigation of preservice teachers’ sense of efficacy and attitudes regarding inclusion of students with ASDs. It is valuable to determine attitudes of preservice teacher regarding the placement of students with ASDs due to research currently citing teacher attitudes strongly effect the success of students (Avramidis Norwich, 2002; Bacon Schultz, 1991; Chow Winzer, 1992; Coates, 1989; Cook, Semmel, Gerber, 1999; Good Brophy, 1997; Hayes Gunn; 1988; Idol, Nevin, Paolucci-Whitcomb, 1994; Roa Lim, 1999; Salend, 2001; Semmel, Abernathy, Butera, Lesar, 1991; Shade Stewart, 2000; Silberman, 1971; Van Reusen, Shoho, Barker, 2001; William Algozine, 1977). Previously, students who needed modifications or adjustments within the classroom were separated from the non-disabled students and placed in special education classrooms. Changes in the law have provided a directive that all students must be educated in the LRE, part of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142). This law states that individuals, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, are entitled to receive services from the public school systems at no cost to the parents (Public Law No. 94-142). With more students being placed in general education classrooms, it is important for future educators to have positive attitudes towards successful inclusion of students with ASDs. The results of this study may help in the development of effective educational curriculum at universities and colleges with teacher education programs. Education programs need to be committed to producing highly qualified and prepared future educators. This means being prepared to teach and understand the unique needs required by students with ASDs within the classroom. Results from this study may help preservice teachers to gain insight into their attitudes towards inclusion and their efficacy beliefs. Definitions and Terminology Accommodation: â€Å"A change in testing materials or procedures that enables students to participate in assessments in ways that reflect their skills and abilities rather than their disabilities† (Salvia, Ysseldyke Bolt, 2007, p. 682). Americans with Disabilities Act (Coladarci Breton): Public Law No. 10-325 (1 January 2009). â€Å"Prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in employment, transportation, public access, local government, and telecommunications† (Woolfolk, 2010, p. 129). Autism: â€Å"Developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age 3 and ranging from mild to major† (Woolfolk, 2007, p. 613). Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs): A group of five related developmental disorders that share common core deficits or difficulties in social relationships, communication, and ritualistic behaviors; differentiated from one another primarily by the age of onset and severity of various systems; includes autistic disorder, Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, childhood

Friday, October 25, 2019

Steps in building a shed :: essays papers

Steps in building a shed What ever the look or shape of your property it can probably be improved in some way by building a shed. Wether its purely for decoration or a specific function there are many reasons for building a shed. If you construct the shed yourself it can save you money because you don’t have to pay for labor. Another benefit is that you get to add your own character to it and have it just the way you want it. You don’t have to settle for a prefabricated average shed. you get the chance to tailor it to your needs and preferences. Not only can you save money by building it your self, you get the satisfaction of knowing that you made it . The first step in building a shed is deciding its intended purpose. Its purpose will probably determine the size, shape and cost of the shed. If its for improving the image of your landscape it will probably be a medium size shed but with lots of detail, which will increase the cost of construction. You might want to add windows to make the shed more appealing. A nice paint finished exterior gives you an opportunity to make the color match its surroundings such as the color of your house. If the shed is for tool storage and working area its going to need to be large enough to accommodate both you and you’re equipment. The increase in size means an increase in cost. Since it’s a storage, or work shed there is no real need to make it all that elaborate. Which will save a lot of money. If you will be spending a lot of time out in the shed it would be a good idea to make it a comfortable environment to work in. Adding insulation in the walls will keep out the cold and maint ain cool in the heat. Since there will probably be power tools that need electricity to run the shed should have some sort of electric source. You can simply run an extension cord from your house to the shed as a cheap alternative. If you are looking for something more professional and permanent, electric outlets can be installed inside the shed. most people are not electricians this should not be attempted by any novice do-it your selfer. Shelves are a good idea to increase interior storage space and incorporate the whole shed into usable space.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Developing Yourself as an Effective Human Resources Practitioner Essay

Introduction This report will be divided in 2 activities, first, a brief description of the CIPD Professional Map, which will help us have a better understanding of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective practitioner. The second activity will specify how an HR practitioner can ensure the services they provide are timely and effective. Activity 1 – Brief summary of CIPD Human Resources Professional Map The CPID Professional Map it’s a tool developed to help HR professionals understand what they need to know and do in each level of their careers. The Map is presented to us divided in 4 main sections: It begins with the Core professional Areas – These 2 areas are the center of the map and relevant for all no matter what level or position you work in HR, and they are: Insights, Strategy and Solutions – This professional area underpins the direction of the profession as an applied business discipline. This area also allows HR Professionals, to develop actionable insights and deliver situational HR solutions. Leading HR – This professional area focuses on HR Professionals that are active and insight-led and are actively leading others who own, shape and driving the organization. They develop the organization across 3 main areas of leadership: Personal leadership, leading others and leading issues. Then it describes the Specialist Professional Areas – the 8 specialist professional areas identify what you need to Know and to do, in each of the 4 bands. These are Organisational design, Organisational development, Resourcing and talent planning, Learning and development, Performance and reward, Employee engagement, Employee relations and finally Service delivery and Information, one of the areas I’m most interested, here we have to ensure that Hr services and information are delivered effectively, efficiently and timely and data is manage in a professional manner. To become effective there are 8 behaviours, these behaviours describe how an HR professional should carry out for their successful accomplishment and they are: 1. Curious – interested, willingness to learn and to develop, growing within an organization 2. Decisive thinker – uses information to make defendable decisions 3. Skilled influencer – ability to persuade in order to gain the necessary support 4. Personally credible – builds a reputation of professionalism at all times adding value to the organisation 5. Collaborative – team work, able to work with people of all levels 6. Driven to deliver – determination to get the job done using all resources to deliver the best result 7. Courage to challenge – confident to speak up, challenging others even in unfamiliar circumstances 8. Role model – impartial, straightforward, leads by example. There are also 4 bands that defines what professionals need to do to progress through the bands in order to develop their careers. Going from band 1 which reflect the people carrying out administrative and support activities up to the requirements needed in people in leading roles who make decisions and are responsible for the development of HR strategy. My role in HR Unfortunately for the time being I’m not working in HR but having a background of HR Administrator I would have to chose Service delivery and information as the professional area that best reflects my experience. I have placed myself at Band 1(or even before that), despite my short experience working in HR I developed interest in that particular area and would like to proceed my career in that direction. Considering Band 1 the activities and knowledge specified within this role would be: Activities Provide the relevant information and advice to managers and employees Keep accurate records of case history Delivery service excellence, customer care even through times of change Knowledge Be able to handle, escalate and resolve problems and complaints Manage employees lifecycle and other needs Know how to use HRIS and produce data reports Activity 2 – With reference to your own (or other identified) HR role, outline how an HR practitioner should ensure the services they provide are timely and effective Customer needs and their requirements of HR Understanding customers needs is essential for an HR professional if we what to deliver an effective service. Some of HR customers can be Managers requiring absence reports, company policies or support with employee relations. Employees who might request information regarding their holidays, salary or the terms of their contracts. Even Job candidates are HR customers, needing assistance with an application for an open vacancy. Not always is easy for HR practitioners to ensure that the services they provide will be timely and effective. Different customers can have different needs at the same time and if it conflicts with our workload we need to prioritize the tasks that have to be dealt with. Payroll normally is something that comes as a priority for customers. This kind of issues will be prioritized and handled in a timely manner in order to guarantee an efficient service and customer satisfaction. Who requested? When was requested? Are questions that need to be taken into account when you are planning your daily schedule. Communication methods When we talk about communication one of the most important things we always want to insure is that the message that is being sent is received and understood. Here are 3 examples of communications methods: Email – with email we can communicate with everyone in the company. It’s an easy tool to use, quickly and you can reach a lot of people at the same time, and you can always keep evidence of what was discussed. However it has some disadvantages can be sent by mistake to the wrong person (breaching dpa) and the receiver might understand something that was not supposed to be  the message sent. Telephone – It’s the most direct and quick method from where we can get immediate answers. The disadvantage is that if the conversations are not recorded there will be no evidence of the communication. Intranet – The intranet is increasingly becoming a privileged method of communication. It contains important information available to all staff. Normally is updated on a regular basis with the latest news, relevant information, organizational changes etc. The advantage is that not all employees reed what is posted. Effective service delivery To deliver effective service it’s crucial that you build and maintain relationships with all of your customers (managers, employees, finance). Keep your promises, expectations have to be met, if you compromise yourself with something your customers will be expecting that from you. This will build a trusty relationship and will build up their confidence in your service. When handling problems, complaints or difficulties make sure the issue is addressed to the right person or that it is your place to solve it. I believe the best way to approach these situations, is to first of all, identify the problem and the point of view of all parties, be sympathetic and come up with options to solve these problems. If it can’t be solved immediately give them a time frame and keep them updated of further developments. Customers need to know that something is being done with the complaint they presented. One of the factors in providing effective service that needs to be taken into account is company budget, every outlay has to be considered in your budget since stationary, Hr systems, training etc. If the company is thinking of acquire a new HR system the budget will be taken into consideration. As HR practitioners we need to provide the best on budget option. Where can money be saved? Can we economize time with this new tool? We have to try to find a new system that could allows us to incorporate multiple tools in one, for instance a new HR System that also enables us to have payroll and appraisal system. This could help the  company save resources such as time and money, making easier for HR to deliver an Effective service. To conclude we can say that throughout this report we were able to identify the 8 specialist professional areas in which we can develop our HR career and the necessary behaviours to be successful in it. Reflecting on my own experience or what I believe it’s effective we went through the different methods of communication available to you as an HR practitioner and how to handle your customer’s complaints and difficulties, always guarantying an effective service delivery. References:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jean paul sartre Essay

Jean-Paul Sartre was a 20th century intellectual, writer, and activist. He was born June 21, 1905, in Paris, France. As a child Sartre was a small cross-eyed boy, who did not have much friends; he would spend most of his time dreaming and thinking. Some say his background as a child led to his success as an adult. Later in his life he studied at the Ecole Normale Superieure and became Professor of Philosophy at Le Havre in 1931. Between 1931 and 1934, he taught high school in Le Havre, Lyon, and Paris. His first major breakthrough as a writer came in 1938 with his novel Nausea. Then in 1939, Sartre was drafted into the French army, where he served as a meteorologist. He was captured by German troops in 1940 and spent nine months as a prisoner of war; although being a prisoner helped shape Sartre. He wrote some of his major works while in prison, and it changed his process of thought at the same time. His pre-war work is largely a defense of individual freedom and human dignity; in his post-war writing, he elaborates on these themes and strongly emphasizes the idea of social responsibility. In October 1964, Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He declined the prize saying, â€Å"A writer should not allow himself to be turned into an institution† (Frentz). He was the first Nobel Laureate to do so. Sartre’s lived with very few possessions; he committed to humanitarian and political causes until the end of his life. Jean-Paul Sartre died in Paris on April 15, 1980, from pulmonary edema at the age of seventy-four. Jean-Paul Sartre wrote an incredible amount of works during his lifetime. One of his first major works was Nausea, which he wrote 1938. Nausea was his first novel; he wrote while he was teaching at Le Havre. Nausea is about a 30-year-old Antoine Roquentin who, returned from years of travel, settles in the fictional French seaport town of Bouville to finish his research on the life of an 18th-century political figure. But becomes very sick, as he calls nausea, which does not allow him to do the things he enjoys in life. He starts to hate existence, but then in his resolution in the book he accepts the indifference of the physical world to man’s aspirations. Ten years later, Sartre wrote another famous work, but this was a play called Dirty Hands. Dirty Hands takes places in a fictional country in Eastern Europe called Illyria, during the later stages of World War II. Hugo, the main character, is released from prison, after the assassination of Hoederer, leader of the proletariat, and went to Olga, his protector, who will examine his case and whether politics can integrate People’s Party. The play examines the reasons that led Hugo to kill Hoederer. Dirty Hands teaches us that even the worst cannot be done without the consent of the person who actually needs to assume and assert his actions. One of his best philosophic essays is, Being and Nothingness, is known to be his greatest articulation of his existentialist philosophy. It is about phenomenological ontology, which is a study of the consciousness of being. Jean-Paul Sartre frequently characterizes humans in terms of the idea of nothingness in this text. His main purpose was to assert the individual’s existence as prior to the individual’s essence. Jean-Paul Sartre has many more famous works. Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher, who had major contributions to philosophy. He is considered the father of Existentialist philosophy; he questioned his existence as a free person greatly. His purpose was to understand human existence rather than the world as such, adopting and adapting the methods of phenomenology. Phenomenology is the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness. He believed individuals act out a label given to them, accepting beliefs such as fate, instead of understanding one’s total freedom. Sartre believed all people always had choices; there is no given meaning in life. It is up to all individuals to find their own meaning. Therefore they had freedom in all situations, but with freedom come responsibility. Sartre assumed that if god doesn’t exist then no set rules of right or wrong could possibly exist and it is upon each individual`s realization of this that one can attain true freedom. Sartre was known for his ideas of existentialism. When reading Sartre’s Nausea he takes us on a journey, lived through the main protagonist, Antoine Roquentin, who is completely lacking emotion in his life. Nausea is the journal of Antoine Roquentin. In this story, Roquentin is writing a story of a man named Rolleman, an 18th century historical figure. To start his writing, he emerged himself in the life of this man, studying all things about this man. The way in which Roquentin writes the novel is similar to how a scientist would attempt to analyze a phenomenon; by intricately noting down everything that happens to him. While readers read this story they start to see a theme of social estrangement of the character. â€Å"The nausea creeps in at times when dealing with any of the three characters and I believe that Sartre has introduced them into the story as pillars which have to be knocked down and overcome before you he can finally be free† (Karam). Sartre expands upon this idea in his Being and Nothingness, saying inanimate objects constitute being-in-itself, while humans with consciousness are beings-for-itself. â€Å"This feeling of nausea arises when he seems to perceive objects in the world devoid of their primary qualities- that is, without essence just pure abstract existence: (Karam). Sartre’s philosophy, that in man and life existence precedes essence, the pure foundation of our reality unable to be described in virtue of its paradoxically nothingness. There are a lot of major themes underlying in Nausea, we see glimpses of anti- humanism by the portrayal of the pedantic self-taught man and witnessing three instances of sexual perversion in an effort to undermine humanism. Sartre explores the existentialist question of human and existence. Nausea follows Sartre’s beliefs behind his previous books; the belief of existence precedes essence. He wrote this book in an interesting manner, it was many journal entries and observations of the main character, Roquentin, which I enjoyed. Roquentin begins to understand that his feelings of Nausea have something to do with the question of existence. He claims all people are afraid to exist and do not truly know the importance of objects just their physical characteristics. Throughout the book, Roquentin resolves to free himself from the past by embracing his existence in the present. After reading the excerpt I think Roquentin is confused with his life and existence at first, but then through his experience he realizes his importance and meaning in life. Nothingness is a force that makes up a purposeless reality, but which also inspires action. Roquentin is critical thinker; his journal entries are very detailed with characteristics. I could tell Sartre’s beliefs are underlined Roquentin’s journal entries. I agree with Sartre’s beliefs that true freedom is attained through oneself; humans are responsible for themselves. I appreciate Sartre’s logic and perspective on life. In summary, Jean-Paul Sartre, was a very fascinating person. He spent most of his life in Paris, France, that is where he was born and died. He is a French philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic. He is most known for his founding on existentialism, a very interesting belief of existence preceding essence. Sartre was also the first person who won a Nobel Prize for literature who refused it. His work and life teachings inspired many other people in their lives. Works Cited Desan, Wilfrid. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre (French Philosopher and Author). â€Å"Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. Frentz, Horst. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre – Biographical. † Jean-Paul Sartre – Biographical. Elsevier Publishing Company, 1990. Web. 13 Oct. 2014. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre. † Bio. com. A&E Networks Television, 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2014. Karam. â€Å"A Literary Review of Jean-Paul Sartre’s ‘Nausea'† Come Think With Me. World Press, 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2014. Maslin, Luke. â€Å"Jean-Paul Sartre By Individual Philosopher Philosophy. † Jean-Paul Sartre By Individual Philosopher Philosophy. N. p. , 2008. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.